
ES2Settings settings The ES2Settings object containing settings for this ES2Reader."


reader An underlying BinaryReader for this ES2Reader.
ES2Reader.Create Creates an ES2Reader.
ES2Reader.Read Reads data of a supported type from the reader.
ES2Reader.ReadArray Reads an array of a supported type from the reader.
ES2Reader.Read2DArray Reads a 2D array of a supported type from the reader.
ES2Reader.Read3DArray Reads a 3D array of a supported type from the reader.
ES2Reader.ReadList Reads a List of a supported type from the reader.
ES2Reader.ReadDictionary Reads a Dictionary of a supported type from the reader.
ES2Reader.ReadStack Reads a Stack of a supported type from the reader.
ES2Reader.ReadHashSet Reads a HashSet of a supported type from the reader.
ES2Reader.TagExists Whether a tag exists in this reader.
ES2Reader.Dispose Manually disposes of this ES2Reader.


An ES2Reader can be used to manually read data from a file. This can sometimes improve performance, though you will usually see more benefit from using ES2.LoadAll to load tagged data.

You can also Read sequential data from an ES2Reader, which is the fastest way to load data, but the data must have been written sequentially using ES2Writer.

You must use ES2Reader.Create to create the ES2Reader.

If you are not using your ES2Reader in a using block, you must also call ES2Reader.Dispose when you are finished with it.

For more information, see Faster Saving and Loading using ES2Writer and ES2Reader.


Saving tags to an ES2Writer

Saving data sequentially to an ES2Writer


Saving tags to an ES2Writer

Saving data sequentially to an ES2Writer