Parameters allow us to specify settings for Easy Save within the path.
It’s formatted in the same way as a HTTP query string, where the ? character marks the beginning of the parameters, and a & separates each parameter.
For example, to enable encryption and set the encryption password, we can simply add it to the end of our path:
ES2.Save(123, "myFile.txt?encrypt=true&password=myPassword");Parameter List
General Parameters
tag | Allows you to save multiple pieces of data into a single file, using the tag to identify that piece of data. |
encrypt | Enables encryption for this operation. |
password | The password to use for encryption. |
savelocation | Where we want to perform our operation. File, PlayerPrefs or Resources. |
webusername | The username specified in ES2.php when using web functionality. |
webpassword | The password specified in ES2.php when using web functionality. |
webfilename | The web file we want to save to when saving to web. |
Mesh Parameters
savenormals | Whether to save normals when saving Meshes. |
saveuv | Whether to save UVs when saving Meshes. |
saveuv2 | Whether to save UV2s when saving Meshes. |
savetangents | Whether to save tangents when saving Meshes. |